How to convert Punjabi font to Unicode using the Online Converter
  1. Open a web browser and visit the website you mentioned:
  2. On the website, you should see a text input box.
  3. Copy the Punjabi text that you want to convert from your Punjabi font.
  4. Paste the copied text into the text input box on the website.
  5. Press the conversion button or follow the instructions provided on the website to initiate the conversion process.
  6. The website should convert the Punjabi font text to Unicode.
  7. Once the conversion is complete, you can copy the converted Unicode text from the website.
  8. Open Adobe Illustrator or any other software where you want to use the Unicode text.
  9. Paste the converted Unicode text into the desired location in the software.

Please note that I cannot verify the specific website’s accuracy or provide support for third-party services. It’s always a good idea to double-check the converted Unicode text for accuracy.