Category Tech & Tutorials

How to Identify Problems in wordpress

Other Question :- Troubleshooting WordPress Websites: A Guide to Identifying Problems

WordPress Page not Opening.

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites worldwide. While it provides a user-friendly interface and a plethora of themes and plugins, issues can occasionally arise that affect the website’s performance and functionality. In this article, we will explore how to identify problems in a WordPress website and understand the importance of the wp-config.php file in troubleshooting. By toggling the WP_DEBUG constant, we can gain valuable insights into potential issues and errors.

Understanding the wp-config.php file:

The wp-config.php file is a vital component of a WordPress installation. It contains various settings and configuration options that define how the website functions. To locate the wp-config.php file, navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. This file plays a crucial role in enabling debugging and identifying problems within your website.

Enabling debug mode in WordPress:

To begin troubleshooting, we can enable the debug mode in WordPress by modifying the wp-config.php file. By default, the WP_DEBUG constant is set to false, which means that error reporting is disabled. To enable debug mode, follow these steps:

  1. Access the wp-config.php file via FTP or through the file manager provided by your hosting provider.
  2. Open the wp-config.php file using a text editor.
  3. Search for the line that says define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );.
  4. Replace false with true, so it reads define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );.
  5. Save the changes and upload the modified file back to the server.

Identifying problems using debug mode:

Enabling debug mode in WordPress allows the system to display error messages, warnings, and notices, which are otherwise hidden. These messages provide valuable insights into potential issues within your website. Here are a few common scenarios where the debug mode can prove useful:

  1. PHP errors: Debug mode will display any PHP errors occurring on your website. These errors might include syntax errors, undefined functions, or compatibility issues between plugins or themes.
  2. Deprecated functions: WordPress frequently updates its codebase, deprecating certain functions in favor of newer alternatives. Debug mode can help identify deprecated functions within your website, enabling you to replace them with the recommended alternatives.
  3. Plugin and theme conflicts: Incompatibilities between plugins or themes can lead to unexpected behavior or website crashes. Debug mode helps pinpoint the source of conflicts by displaying error messages related to specific plugins or themes.
  4. Database errors: WordPress relies on a database to store and retrieve content. Debug mode can reveal database-related errors, such as connection issues, query problems, or incorrect table structures.
  5. Security vulnerabilities: Enabling debug mode can uncover potential security vulnerabilities by highlighting error messages related to access control, file permissions, or suspicious activity.

Troubleshooting a WordPress website can be a daunting task, but enabling debug mode using the WP_DEBUG constant in the wp-config.php file can significantly simplify the process. By setting define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );, you gain access to detailed error messages, warnings, and notices that can help identify problems within your website. Remember to disable debug mode (define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );) once you have resolved the issues to ensure a secure and optimized WordPress website. Happy troubleshooting!

(Note: While the WP_DEBUG constant is a powerful debugging tool, it is recommended to use it on a development or staging site rather than a live production site to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.)

How to Know What is Error in wordpress Website?

To identify errors on your WordPress website, follow these steps:

  1. Enable WordPress Debugging: In your WordPress installation, locate the wp-config.php file and open it in a text editor. Look for the line that says “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);” and change it to “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);”. This enables the debugging mode in WordPress, which will display error messages on your site.
  2. Reproduce the Error: Visit the page or perform the action that is causing the issue on your website. This will trigger the error and generate the error message.
  3. View Error Messages: After reproducing the error, refresh the page, and you should see specific error messages displayed on your website or in the browser’s console. These error messages will provide information about the nature of the error and where it occurred.
  4. Check the Error Logs: If error messages are not displayed on your website, you can check the error logs on your web server. The location of the error logs depends on your hosting provider and server configuration. Common places to look for error logs are the “error_log” file or the “logs” directory in your hosting account. Contact your hosting provider if you’re unsure where to find the error logs.
  5. Troubleshoot the Error: Once you have identified the error message, search for it online to find possible solutions. WordPress forums, developer documentation, and plugin/theme support forums can be helpful resources. Look for the specific error message or any relevant codes or keywords mentioned in the error message.
  6. Disable Plugins and Themes: If the error is caused by a specific plugin or theme, try disabling them one by one to pinpoint the source of the issue. Temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme (such as Twenty Twenty-One) and deactivate plugins to see if the error persists.
  7. Restore from Backup: If you made recent changes to your website, such as installing a new plugin or updating WordPress, and the error occurred afterward, consider reverting those changes by restoring your website from a backup. This can help undo any modifications that may have caused the error.

If you are unable to resolve the error on your own, consider seeking assistance from a WordPress developer or support community who can provide more targeted help based on the specific error message and circumstances.

To identify errors on your WordPress website:

  1. Enable WordPress Debugging: Open the wp-config.php file and change “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);” to “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);”. This displays error messages.
  2. Reproduce the Error: Trigger the issue on your website.
  3. View Error Messages: Check for error messages displayed on your site or in the browser’s console.
  4. Check Error Logs: Look for error logs on your web server. Contact your hosting provider for assistance.
  5. Troubleshoot the Error: Search online for the error message to find solutions. Use WordPress forums and plugin/theme support.
  6. Disable Plugins and Themes: Temporarily disable plugins and switch to a default theme to identify the source of the error.
  7. Restore from Backup: If recent changes caused the error, restore your website from a backup.

If unable to resolve the error, seek assistance from a WordPress developer or support community.

However, I can guide you on how to convert Hindi font to Unicode using the online converter you mentioned.
  1. Open a web browser and visit the website you mentioned:
  2. On the website, you should see a text input box.
  3. Copy the Hindi text that you want to convert from your Hindi font.
  4. Paste the copied text into the text input box on the website.
  5. Press the conversion button or follow the instructions provided on the website to initiate the conversion process.
  6. The website should convert the Hindi font text to Unicode.
  7. Once the conversion is complete, you can copy the converted Unicode text from the website.
  8. Open Adobe Illustrator or any other software where you want to use the Unicode text.
  9. Paste the converted Unicode text into the desired location in the software.

Please note that I cannot verify the specific website’s accuracy or provide support for third-party services. It’s always a good idea to double-check the converted Unicode text for accuracy.

How to convert Punjabi font to Unicode using the Online Converter
  1. Open a web browser and visit the website you mentioned:
  2. On the website, you should see a text input box.
  3. Copy the Punjabi text that you want to convert from your Punjabi font.
  4. Paste the copied text into the text input box on the website.
  5. Press the conversion button or follow the instructions provided on the website to initiate the conversion process.
  6. The website should convert the Punjabi font text to Unicode.
  7. Once the conversion is complete, you can copy the converted Unicode text from the website.
  8. Open Adobe Illustrator or any other software where you want to use the Unicode text.
  9. Paste the converted Unicode text into the desired location in the software.

Please note that I cannot verify the specific website’s accuracy or provide support for third-party services. It’s always a good idea to double-check the converted Unicode text for accuracy.

How to Increase Upload Size in All In One Plugin

How to increase size All In One Plugin in WordPress By Code Edit

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How To Fix A Stuck All-in-One WP Migration Import Plugin In WordPress

Download Old Version of Plugin Install the Older Plugin – Version 6.7

The best tool for migrating your WordPress website from one host to another is without a doubt the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. It really is simple; I used it myself just a few days ago to move my website. The usage of this plugin is easily explained in our excellent tutorial. Obviously, you can contact our team to have the migration done for you if you just bought hosting from NameHero. This plugin is ideal if you want to do it yourself because it won’t happen immediately.

However, there are two potential issues with the import process:

The import gets “stuck” at 100% because your WordPress installation’s upload limit is too low. You can fix the first issue by changing your PHP upload limits in the NameHero tutorial I linked above. The solution is to modify the following two variables in your PHP settings on cPanel:

upload_max_filesize and post_max_size ought to handle upload limitations. However, what happens if the plugin stops the import? Then you can’t do anything. As a result, you must find a different method to restore backups.

Using Backup Restore instead The solution to the “stuck import” issue is to use a different method to get your file into the All-in-One migration plugin. It requires that you upload your export file to the ai1wm-backups folder in wp-content and then use the “Backup” option to locate the file and restore it.

Sadly, only the earlier version of the plugin, which included it for free, can use this feature. It has been upgraded to the paid tier in more recent plugin versions. Fortunately, the older versions of the plugin are freely accessible on the WordPress website, where a complete changelog and repository of all previous versions are kept. This is the method for you if you have a small website and don’t want to pay the fee to make up for a slow import process.

Installing the Older Version of a Plugin: Version 6.7 The WordPress plugin repository stores all of a plugin’s previous versions. Version 6.7 of the All-in-One WP Migration plugin is available for download. Make a zip file from the downloaded files and folders. The older version of the plugin can be manually installed using WordPress’s “Plugin Upload” feature from this point on.

Uploading your Export File to wp-content/ai1wm-backups In contrast to uploading a file through the WordPress interface, you can now upload it through cPanel on NameHero’s file manager or any custom file manager your hosting provider offers. There shouldn’t be any size restrictions this time. Place the exported file in the following WordPress installation folder:

wp-content/ai1wm-backups If you have already installed the plugin’s version 6.7, you won’t need to create this folder because it should already exist. After you have finished uploading, you can now go to the All-in-One WP Migration plugin’s “Backups” section. There, you should find this file, which you can restore without a hitch!

Should You Purchase the Plugin’s Premium Version?
The ability to import files larger than 512 MB is, in my opinion, the main advantage of the premium version of the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. This refers to the size of the backup file that the plugin will import, not the upload limit set by your web host. If your website is larger than 512 MB, it is quite large, and you should think about purchasing the plugin’s premium version. I think it’s totally worth it to have such a simple process when considering how difficult it can be to switch web hosts.

In the interim, this solution ought to be of use to you if you run a small website and your import keeps getting stuck while uploading!

An aside: For optimal security, you should either update or remove the plugin after you finish.

How to Edit the Comments Background on a WordPress Blog

Go To Theme Customize

go to Appearance → Customize → Additional CSS:

Paste Code In Text Aria

#respond #commentform textarea {
background-color: #1A0000;
#respond #commentform .text,
#respond #commentform textarea {
color: #FFFFFF !important;
	font-size : 20px;

For Selected Text

::selection {
  color: black;
  background: white;

Note : Change Backgroud Color and Font Color With Your Choise
How to Convert any Hindi Font to unicode or Unicode to Hindi kruti Dev

Text from Social media Like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram or other many Website and Social Platform Copy and Paste here to convert unicode for using this unicode for Editing Softwares Like Adobe Illustraror, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop Live Media Encoder, Filmora,Edius, V-Mix, OBS Studio other many live Broadcasting Softwares and This is Best for Graphic Desinger for making Certificates, Poster, Banner, Flex Board, Computer Notepad All etc for Save time From Long time Hindi Typing in Computer. For Typing Phonatic Hindi in Any Device Go to Google Translator select Punajbi To English

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How to Change Password/Username of phpMyAdmin

how to change Password and username of phpMyAdmin In WordPress

Go to your hosting provider Control pannel

then go to database and change the password

then go to file manager of your website look config.php file

edit this file

/** Database password */
define( ‘DB_PASSWORD’,………. change password here same as previous changed database password in hosting control pannel

then save.

You Can Use Same Password of datebase Usename and password for phpMyAdmin

for changing username, you can create new database with new username according to hostinger

How to Change SSH, Filezila, Filemanager Password?

go to Control Pannel of Your Hosting Provider

Look And Change SSH Password

This Changed Password working for SSH, Filezila, Filemanager

How to change Startup Logo in WordPress